I know that I'm supposed to hate snow, my husband has to drive in it every day. I just don't, I love it. I think snow is absolutely beautiful, beautiful!!!
We started out the week with Hunter not having school for MLK day, then on Tuesday we had a quick glazing of ice that kept the buses from being able to run, Snow day 4. He went to school today, but as we are currently getting upwards of 6-8 inches of snow; he won't have school tomorrow and I highly doubt he'll have school on Friday. That will make a grand total of 6 snow days that we'll have to make up at the end of the school year, I say 'we' because everyone else is unable or unwilling to do their schoolwork when Hunter is home. "It's a snow day, Mom!" Oh well, I guess that's why we homeschool, to have the freedom to play when we want to.
We started out the day with a beautiful sunrise.
We went out shopping last night in preparation for the storm that was coming, Sissy wasn't feeling very well, so I let her leave the house in what she was wearing. She makes quite a fashion statement doesn't she.
Even though our complex shovels for us, I decided to take off the first 6 inches of snow. This is what happens when you get in the way of Mom shoveling, Mt. Snowmore; otherwise known as Koty and Rylan buried neck deep. (They are sitting down, the snow is not that deep.)
Finally, who could resist a cutie posing for a shot. She still doesn't feel very good, could it be because she keeps going outside without her coat?
They are forecasting more snow tonight, tomorrow and probably Sunday. Hunter's return to public school is not going quite as planned. LOL.