Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday!

I hiked up behind my husbands workplace, it had some beautiful thistles and the sky was gorgeous.
The sky was so brilliant blue, it was washed clean by a recent rainstorm.

The clouds were so brilliantly white and fluffy, lately they've been steely gray and ominous, it was nice to see.
Head over to Life with My 3 Boybarians, to see other Sweet Shot Tuesdays.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Old Schoolhouse Giveaway

If your a Christian homeschooler, odds are you've heard of The Old Schoolhouse. It's a great resource and always has a ton of articles that I read multiple times. I love it and now they have an opportunity for you to download a copy of your own. Homeschool 101, is a digital supplement to their regular magazine and is being offered as a free download.

Homeschool 101 Digital Supplement

You should be able to click on the picture and it will take you to the site for your free download.

Happy Reading,

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Wii Giveaway!

Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers is hosting a giveaway. We love our Wii and we enjoy any opportunity to play together as a family. Getting exercise at the same time, that would be awesome. Head on over and leave a comment to enter the drawing, to get two entries; blog about it and leave another comment. Good luck!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

If you can't beat it, Play in it!!!!

This is what the sky has continually looked like here lately. We have flash flood warnings every other minute, roads closed for flooding, a leaky roof and a flooding basement.
We also have a river where our street used to be, so the kids decided to play in it.

Or bathe in it, I'm not sure which.

Koty is trying to ride it, like a waterslide. Didn't quite work. LOL.

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Sweet Shot Tuesday!

If you know anything about my family you know we spend a lot of time at the zoo. A Lot! We love the animals, but I also love all of the gorgeous landscaping. Our zoo is beautiful, with flowers and plants of all kinds. So here are a few of the best shots I got this week.

The animal that inspired my son to want to study Zoology. He absolutely loved Meerkat Manor.

It has been raining pretty much everyday here in KC, can't let that stop a trip to the zoo. These shots were after a quick shower and everything was dewy and fresh.
Finally, I love how these giraffes look like bookends. Seconds earlier they were actually one right in front of the other and looked like a two headed giraffe.

Thanks for stopping by, head on over to Life with my 3 Boybarians to see other folks' great shots.

Sweet Shot Day

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Black Belt Attitude!

They did it!!!!!

My oldest two became Taekwondo Black Belts today. They survived BlackBelt Boot Camp, running 2-3 miles, sparring and grappling for 2+ hours. They worked so hard, we couldn't be prouder. My parents were able to get away from work and come watch the ceremony. So we were able to get a rare photo with all four kids and both grandparents. Another rarity, me in a photo. My mom wielded the camera to capture this rare picture of all 6 of us. It wasn't just the boys promoting, Ry and Sissy promoted too.
Ry received his Hi Blue belt and Sissy received her Hi Green belt. The kids all worked so hard at their promotions, they deserved their new ranks. We celebrated by seeing a couple of movies this weekend. We saw Karate Kid and Shrek, then went out to dinner. You really can't be a Black belt without seeing the Karate Kid, have to say I liked the old one a little bit better. Don't know if I care for all of the remakes, they make me feel old!
Finally, Ry's class has been really working on his splits, he wants so badly to get his Splits patch and he is really close. He wanted me to take his picture with his teacher. That's his teacher behind him, she'll be leaving soon for college and announced that this will be her last week. Ry was really upset and cried for awhile, she'll still be around though so he'll get to see her. She's a homeschool graduate, I thought that was pretty cool. Gives this Homeschool Mom hope!

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010