Saturday, June 20, 2009

What a week!!!!

We have had such a busy week. The boys have been in karate camp all week, so I have been running back and forth playing chauffeur and dealing with a Sissy that does not understand why her brothers are leaving her. Thursday night we left Karate and went up to Maxwell's which was hosting an Autism Awareness fundraiser, one of my cousins has a young son on the spectrum. Mom wanted me to take some photos for our restaurant website, these are some of the fun ones.Tanyn loved this particular clown, "A princess clown, Mom," she said. It was too cute. The gentleman clown's "brief case" was just too funny for words.

Friday was my baby sister's 33rd birthday, so we all got together after the restaurant's closed to celebrate. Basically, I sit back and watch everyone else drink. I don't particularly have anything against alcohol, I just don't care for the taste of any of it. So I had Diet Coke on the rocks and keep 'em coming. Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!!!!

We'll be celebrating Father's Day on Monday, everyone has to work, it's no fun trying to fit in a celebration so we always try to push it to another day. It works for us!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Promotion, FOTZ, Being Silly

The older boys had their promotion the other day. They were awesome, their grandparents were able to attend and were totally impressed with the boys obvious dedication. Ry and Sissy had to tie new belts for them so I could take the picture, Dad is still training and working late.

The boys were being goofy the other day, they were reading books to Sissy, Ry and Sophie(guinea pig#1). Sophie just had to get in on the action, a rare Guineasaurus Rex.

Last night was the FOTZ Annual Picnic (Friends of the Zoo). We've never gone before even though we've been friends for several years. We had such a great time, CJ got to go with us, which was great for him and the kids, as he almost never gets to go with us. The picnic was very fun, we got to ride every form of transportation that the zoo offers for free. We were able to do the trams, boat, paddle boats and train. We enjoyed several special keeper chats and some animal behavior that we don't usually see because it was so late in the evening. The boys reconnected with a friend from their public school days, we had lost touch about a year ago due to us changing from house phones to only cell phones. His family is a bit nomadic, so they're a little difficult to keep up with. Anywho, his mom brought him by this weekend to see if we still lived in the same place, it was great, the boys have been friends for about 6yrs now and hated having no contact with him. Kevin is the extra child you see in the picture of all the kids.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Ry and Sissy promotion

My babies had their Taekwondo promotion the other day. They were totally awesome, I'll post a couple of pictures. I would post video, but I can't seem to figure out how. It just sits there and spins and spins, never seems to be complete, blogger or me? Oh well, trust me, they were great vids. Their big brothers had to tie on their belts as Daddy couldn't make it, he's starting to train for a new route at work.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What do you do??

I hit someones dog today. It was horrible, I had all 4 kids in the car, the dog ran right into the street and I just couldn't avoid it. I stopped in the middle of the street and waited with the dog until it's owner came out, it was traumatic for all of us, the dog died right in front of me. It wasn't even my dog and I was bawling. I don't even know what I was supposed to do, this dog runs the neighborhood at large, we have leash laws, I know it's not my fault but I feel so bad.

We were on our way home from the kid's Taekwondo promotions, at which they did great, but we were all sort of deflated. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow of promotion.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Photo Hunter: Theme-Advertisement

I loved these signs at Disneyland.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thrift Store Finds

I'm not a garage saler, I hate people watching me shop. So, I do the next best thing, thrift store shopping. I wander aimlessly until something catches my eye. Today it was Sissy clothes, 5 shirts and 4 skorts, all for a grand total of $7 dollars. It was a good day, tater!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Flying in the pool!

The splash is the view we continually have of Tanyn. She climbs out of the pool, wipes her face for some odd reason, and then will jump back in. Over and over.

Everytime Chris gets to swim, the kids will beg to be thrown. It doesn't matter that Dad's back hurts, to the kids or to Dad. He will always oblige, they love it. We got to have a post Memorial Day party, we all really enjoyed the weather, the pool and spending time together. My parents are the most awesome grandparents, they really only get to swim a dozen or so times a year but they maintain their pool for their grandkids and their kids. Don't get me wrong, they swim, but the kids and I are at their pool 2-3 times a week, sometimes more. We're at their house more than they are some weeks; the joys of owning your own businesses. Oh well, we all got most of the day off and were able to have some fun together.