Saturday, March 12, 2011

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

We had an unbelievably gorgeous day around here, so we took advantage and headed over to the nature trails to wander around.  My kids have never met a creek they didn't want to explore, so I let everyone take off their shoes and wade around.  The water was icy cold but that didn't stop them,they had a great time and played for over an hour.  We really needed the fresh air and sunshine, we've been battling strep and various cold symptoms for weeks.  Yes, I know, playing in cold water probably didn't help.  Oh well, at least we all had a good time.

Sissy spent most of her time, jumping from rock to rock, she was having so much fun, she was a joy to watch and marvel at her energy.

I spent most of my time playing with my camera and trying different angles and settings.  I had a doctors appt. this morning to attempt to figure out why I'm having chest pains, fatigue, blah, blah, blah; it was nice to forget how icky I've been feeling and just soak up some sunshine and enjoy my kids utter joy at getting muddy and wet.  We're simple people at heart!
This final pic has nothing to do with anything, it's just a pic of my beautiful baby.  She's my only girl and only leftie.  Every time I watch her draw and write, it brings back memories of my Grandma.  Sissy doesn't particularly look like her but Grandma was left handed, for some reason sometimes it just makes my heart ache.  Grandma died when I was 7 months pregnant with my oldest, she never met any of my children, but when I watch my little leftie I know she's up there watching over us.
2011 Mommytography 365 Project


Jen U. said...

Your pictures are always amazing. I especially love that hands in the water pic!

Mike said...

Nice pictures! Our backyard has a forest with a reservoir and stream that take my breath away every time. BTW, I really like the new blogger design!

Anita said...

Looks like there was a lot of fun had by everyone. I love the hands in the water shot.

LivingFree said...

What fun photos! I especially like the hands in the water.