Monday, January 3, 2011

Letting go.....

 Tomorrow I have to do something I vehemently denied that I would ever do, let one of my children go back to public school.  I truly, truly thought this day would never come; I just was not prepared for the possibility. Hunter decided in October that he wanted to go back to school and made it perfectly clear that he was not happy at home, it literally broke my heart.  I don't want that for him, maybe I don't want that for me; I'm not sure.  He really wants this, so tomorrow he will board that bus and go back to a system that I think is failing.  Hopefully, I have instilled the morals and strengths, that we find important as a family; into this boy of mine.  Hopefully....
Since we were already jumping through the massive amount of hoops that the school district required of us, we offered to let Koty go if he absolutely wanted to.  He doesn't!! Thank you, God!

 Of course, I didn't give Ry and Sissy the same opportunity.  They have never attended public school and God willing, they never will.
The pictures obviously have nothing to do with the topic, but I love them and decided to share.  We went on a nature hike and I decided it was a wonderful opportunity to use my new tripod.  I love how crisp the pictures are.
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i cant decide said...

Ah, I know what you are going through! We sent our oldest two who were homeschooled from the beginning to school. I still wonder if I could have done more at home before we let them go.


Anonymous said...

Christi - what a tough decision. Just continue to pray and lead him.

Love the shots!

Kim Fuoco said...

beautiful photos of your children My favorite is the bottom one of the little girl.. I love the lighting on her right side.