Monday, November 22, 2010

Gratitude Challenge: Day 22

We're more than halfway through this Gratitude Challenge and I think I've done pretty well.  I've missed a couple of days, not because I wasn't grateful for something; but more that I didn't have time to get to the computer to type it.

Today I am grateful for the gift of choosing the proper way to teach my kids.  We have been a homeschooling family for 6 years and love every second, that is to say most of us do.  My oldest has decided that he wants to return to public school since we have moved and live in a better school district.  I'm not happy about it, but I am grateful that he felt brave comfortable enough to make this request.  Hunter will be returning to PS in January, with the start of the new semester.

While PS is something that Hunter wants to do, Koty is happy to stay home and keep working with Mom.  We realized a couple years ago that Koty has dysgraphia, self-diagnosed; of course.  He struggles with his grip and his hands cramp-up, he can't get his thoughts to translate onto paper and he is constantly frustrated with how his handwriting looks.  I have really enjoyed watching a child who hates something, open up and do his best; knowing he's not going to be judged.  He even hates to draw, I encouraged him today to do his best and his resulting efforts were awesome.  I'm confident that he wouldn't feel this empowered at PS.  Koty is so strong in other areas, mostly doing High School level work in 8th grade; that I won't let him feel less because of how he writes.

Ry and Sissy are both loving Time 4 Learning, combined with Little Hearts for His Glory from Heart of Dakota.  Ry is getting more confident with his phonics, not reading yet; but definitely trying.  Sissy whizzed through Pre-School in a couple of days and is heading towards Kindergarten.  I love that they don't have to be held back or pushed forward just because of what day they were born on.

Well that's what we are grateful for today, head over here to see what others are grateful for.

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Jimi Ann said...

Thanks for sharing today, Christi. It's amazing how different each of our children are. It's great you're in tune with the needs of each one. What a blessing to them!

Jen U. said...

It is a gift to be able to parent as we want and need to, isn't it! Thanks for sharing this today.

SisterTipster said...

Thanks for sharing~have a blessed night! hugs!

Catherine said...

It's probably hard to let go and trust. I'll pray for his smooth transition. I'm glad all your children are doing so well.