Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WFMW-Customized Chore Charts

This is my first Works for me Wednesday post, hope I do it right. We have had a difficult couple of weeks in the Reed household, a breakdown if you will on the chain of command. I feel like I do nothing but scream at the kids, threaten with grounding or taking away privileges, I'm the bad guy and dad swoops in to save the day.

I went to my husband with my troubles and concerns and this is what he came up with. All on his own!!!, who knew he had it in him. I think I have been quietly pushing him out of the picture in our homeschooling journey, without realizing I was doing it. By taking my problems to him, I really was issuing an invitation to him and he accepted wholeheartedly. Thank the Lord!!!

CJ came up with the idea of these chore charts, including what would be on them and what the consequences would be for them not being completed. He called a family meeting, walked the kids through each of their individual lists and explained the time frame for getting everything done and the punishment for disobeying. I found the chore charts here.

I realize we're only a couple days into using the charts, but it is a sea change in how our family interacts. The kids know what is expected of them and no one is surprised. It definitely works for us!!! Head on over to We are THAT Family to see other WFMW posts.


Leslie said...

I just joined WFMW, too (well, last week) so welcome! I love your idea. I've been meaning to have chore charts forever for my 11 year old son and now for my 5 and 4 year old daughters. I think it would definitely help in our home. Thanks!

Kathleen@so much to say, so little time said...

I've been thinking @ this kind of an idea too. Our two littlest ones are too little, so right now I'm just absorbing and in another year or two we'll be doing it for real.

Jana said...

Hi! I was being brave today, too (joining WFMW). I find that we need to make charts or something like that just to get the regular routine stuff (potty before bed, brushing teeth, washing hands, etc.). Something so that I don't have to grit my teeth so hard at night on things we've been doing for 6.5 years! Great post! Thanks!

Tammy said...

Wow. This sounds like it may work. I think having Dad aboard is great. Thanks for sharing.