Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book Three-TOS Review

Let's just start this review with an admission,  I am not artistic, crafty or in anyway gifted aesthetically speaking.  I am not that Mom that always has some sort of crafty way to teach my kids a topic, try never!  I never have a craft for my kids.  Thank you to Artistic Pursuits for giving me an opportunity to review their product: Modern Painting and Sculpture for Grades K-3.  My kids were and are so excited about the opportunity to do arts and crafts, they are over the moon.  They are so abused, just ask them; they'll tell you.


This is not a curriculum in terms of draw this line or repeat this technique, this curriculum works on increasing your childs understanding of art, as a whole and concentrating on techniques of the Artist highlighted.

The earlier K-3 books work on introducing the concepts in the bookshelf pictured, while the 4-12 books concentrate on really teaching the concepts.  The theory behind this method is over here  and is very clearly explained and easy to understand.

They offer a very complete curriculum, providing multiple books for multiple age groups.  Their catalog of books is very comprehensive and they even offer art supply packs geared to their specific books.

Now, onto what we thought about the curriculum. We loved it!   What we really liked and this is just one of many things we liked, is that my 14 year old could do the projects with the small people and still enjoy himself.  We love combining when we can and this book really lent itself to that.  
The lessons are laid out in an easy to understand way, such that the 14 year old was actually able to teach the lesson while he participated in it.  You really can't ask for more than that!!

The lesson also introduced real art to my kids, art that they were able to enjoy and actually asked to find other paintings or pieces from the same artist to look at online.  Interest in a topic other than recess is a great thing.

I really could go on and on, we love this curriculum and will be continuing to use it.  Each book costs $42.95, which can seem pricey, but like I said we used it for multiple students of a broad age range.  It is non-consumable, so you will be able to continue using it into the future.

Head over here to see what other crew members thought about Artistic Pursuits, my personal opinion is that you can't go wrong.  This is a great curriculum and worth the money.

{I received a copy of Artistic Pursuits K-3 for the purpose of review free of charge.  I received no other compensation and was not required to write a positive review.}

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